Generates natal charts in your internet browser

Fill out the form below to see a comprehensive view of your astrological birth chart.

This will provide a chart and a complete list of the Planets in your chart and their position, plus information on Aspects and Houses as well.

Rest assured, your privacy is protected, and the information cannot be viewed by anyone else.

Enter your birth details and select the desired service


Birth/Natal charts are free. Other services denoted by a $ sign require purchase.


232 countries are represented in the list. If you are aware of a country that is not included, please contact customer service and they will add it.

You can select the nearest city from the same region if it is located within 30 miles. That distance is quite acceptable in calculating a natal chart.

1. Your geographic data and the app’s data were taken from different sources. In this case, the coordinate difference must not be significant so you can select the city presented in our list.

2. You have selected another city with the same name. Please look closely at the list again to select the correct item. If it is missing, you can select the nearest city to it from within the same region. As for the missing city, please inform customer service so it can be added to the database.

Make sure that this is true. The program uses the Time Regions System which is more accurate then the wellknown TZ Database. Check everything again, and if you are sure the program has calculated GMT incorrectly, please contact customer service. They will assess the situation and fix the error if necessary.


When completing the form, specify the exact time of birth only when you are sure of it. Otherwise, adjust accordingly.

For tips on how to improve accuracy read the article Rectification on the developer’s website. If that does not produce a result, enter the average time and select the correct option of exactitude. For example, if you know that the person was born in the evening, from 6:00 PM until 10:00 PM, enter the average value – 8:00 PM and specify exactitude ± 2 hours.

If you know only the date of birth, please enter 12:00 PM  ± 12 hours.

The period ranging from 1900 to 2100 is included for the birth date, but can be expanded. Click [+] to set the range from 1 to 3000 AD. 

(NOTE: This option is not recommended as it will complicate the selection process.)

To restore the original setting, click the [–] button.

To enter a person’s birthplace, you should select the country, region and city from the lists that have been provided. If you can’t find the appropriate country, please keep in mind that all names are written in English. This means that you should search for the English variant of a country’s name, e.g. Germany, not Deutschland; Ivory Coast, not Coted’Ivoire, etc.

If a person was born in a state that no longer exists, such as the USSR, Yugoslavia, or Czechoslovakia, look for the contemporary name of your birth country, such as Russia, Ukraine, Serbia, Slovakia, etc.

If you don’t find the name of your birthplace location, you can select any other locality within 30 miles of it although it must be situated in the same region. Otherwise, the time settings may be defined incorrectly.

You can store the details you have entered in the browser and retrieve them later by clicking the Database button.